Astor Wines & Spirits

Wine Store in New York City, New York


399 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10003


Astor Wines & Spirits


The Astor Difference

Astor Wines & Spirits has been a Greenwich Village fixture since 1946. When we decided to move to bigger digs recently, we thought it was only fitting that we’d end up in a New York City Landmark, the De Vinne Press Building. A charming and formidable structure, it has stood on the corner of Fourth and Lafayette Streets in Manhattan since 1885. Its façade has been carefully maintained, leaving its charming period-specific features intact. We aren’t just interested in preserving great wines; we want to keep the rich history of our neighborhood alive as well, so the building is a perfect home for our new space. Whether you’re a longtime Village denizen or just a passer-by, you’ll appreciate the 50% larger sales floor and incredible new amenities at our new location, which is just a two-minute walk south of our old one.


Since 1971, Andy Fisher has been President of Astor Wine & Spirits. When he took over as President, it was a small store on Astor Place, which he expanded nine years later. After moving the iconic store to the DeVinne Press building in 2006, Fisher also opened Astor Center, an educational hub housed directly above the retail space. Astor Center offers classes and events and focuses on the exchange of ideas in contemporary food and wine.