Gill Learning Centers

Education Center in Ottawa, Ontario

5615 Scobie Crescent, Ottawa, ON K4M 1B7

(613) 295-1432

2024 Member

Gill Learning Centers

About Us

ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS BY PROVIDING SUPPORTING CLASSES THROUGH THESE YEARS. Your Child is getting ready for writing the IB entrance examination – we can do an initial assessment and recommend a plan for your child to give them the best chance to get accepted into the IB program. Your child just got accepted into the IB program – we can provide on going classes in any subject that needs a boost. Your child did not get accepted into the IB program in grade 9, no worries there usually are some seats in grade 10 because some students drop out – we can prepare your child to write the grade 10 entrance exam to get into the IB program in grade 10. 

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